What’s going on: questions, problems, suggestions, solutions.
How it works: This is a space for short items: an ideas exchange between the 20 U3As in South Australia. It is is designed to be regularly updated with new suggestions, problems, issues, bright ideas and questions: a forum for member organisations and individuals to share information and discuss. Your contributions will make it work.Send your contribution – comment, question, observation, report, suggestion to John Travers jtravers@gmail.com
Mar 29 Zoom discounts . Mar 25 South Coast and History Week Mar 14 National Online U3A – see ‘Projects’ Mar 12 Fees charged SA U3As Mar 7 U3A Website Workshops – online April Risk Management Seminar Mar 6 Creating a course from member interests Feb 29 Member Wizard U3A membership management software Feb 28 How Brisbane launched online coursesZoom Discounts
There are potential discounts for Zoom licences via ConnectUp – an organisation which manages discounts for a large number of businesses. This service is used by U3As interstates. The discounts work via coupons which can be applied to a subscription to lower the cost. A benefit if this system is that the coupons can be distributed by an organisation to individual members who retain individual subscriptions – very simple administration. We will update this item when we get feedback from ConnectUpSouth Coast and History Week
U3A South Coast has an impressive cooperation with the History Trust in their area. They are preparing a ‘Passport’ for members, primarily those belonging to its 3 History groups of events across southern Fleurieu Peninsula during South Australia’s History Festival month. U3A South Coast members can avail themselves of this program and it’ll be available to non – U3A South Coast members as well. The Passport will include event, address and date. The Goolwa Museum and History Centre is home to the Goolwa Branch of National Trust. It’s at 11 Porter St, Goolwa.
Fees charged SA U3As

U3A Website Workshops – online
Managing a website is regular problem for U3As. John Travers is planning to offer a continuing workshop online about the basics of managing a site using WordPress. Interested or curious – contact John at jtravers@gmail.com with your interest. Topics: security, design, layoutRisk Management Seminar coming soon
Risk management is assessing possible risks to an organisation and proactively taking steps to deal with these risks.
Creating a course from member interest.

Rather than waiting for a tutor to step forward, ask the members!
by Helen Elix President Murraylands & U3A SA Delegate u3aml6@gmail.com M: 0410 510 280 https://www.u3amurraylands.net/ At U3A Murraylands for the past eight years, an effective strategy was introduced. It’s called an ‘Expression of Interest’, stimulating member feedback, and teasing out an unmet need, ironically through member initiative. The result is member driven. Members are always keen to explore what is listed in an ‘Expression of Interest’ within the program. This strategy also encourages other members to offer suggestions and feedback to grow our offerings. The ‘Expression of Interest’ strategy is two-fold, let me explain i.e., have we found a leader keen to deliver a new program, or has the suggestion come from a participant? One recent example was suggested by a new U3A member keen to play Canasta. U3A then market/promote Canasta within their program under the heading of ‘Expression of Interest’. In this recent example we received responses from 19 members who were keen to participate. The next step is to connect with the 19 with a view to finding a leader and helper. We have also had examples of tutors or leaders stepping forward offering to share their knowledge, skills, expertise which was the case for our Apple iPhone/iPad class with 18 members now attending. In summary the ‘Expression of Interest’ can begin with a member offering to lead a class or an activity, or a participant suggesting a particular class or activity. The strategy is almost the same, however with the leader already being found we may offer the program upfront i.e., for enrolments.Member Wizard U3A management solution. An alternative membership management system.

How Brisbane Launched Online Courses
Brisbane switched to online during Covid and is still going strong
by John Travers, Statewide Coordinator jtravers@gmail.com