About Us

U3A is an international volunteer organisation providing educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment for people over 50 who are no longer in full-time employment.

U3A is run entirely by volunteers and draws on the knowledge, experience and skills of its members to learn from each other and share experiences in a relaxed, social environment across the State in metropolitan or regional locations.

Each U3A in South Australia is independent and run by an elected management committee of members. Everyone is encouraged to contribute voluntarily to the running of their local U3A to ensure it is an active and vibrant organisation.

Courses may last for an hour or a year and, for a small annual fee, members may enrol for as many courses as they wish. An additional fee may apply for some courses. There is no accreditation, assessment or qualification to be gained.

U3A South Australia believes learning is a pleasurable experience which provides opportunities to mix with like-minded people who enjoy doing new things. U3A South Australia can provide information, support and advice for those interested in  starting their own U3A.

U3A South Australia believes that staying active: mentally, physically and socially provides better health outcomes for people in active retirement.

Our Member organisations are volunteer not-for-profit organisations which provide affordable learning and leisure opportunities for retired or semi-retired people over 50 years (who are not working more than 20 hours a week) in an inclusive, fun and friendly atmosphere. We encourage people in our community to come together to learn from one another and pass on skills to others.

Our objectives are:

  • To explain the U3A South Australia movement to the public and to assist those who wish to form a U3A in their area.
  • To act as advocate/negotiator with governments, education bodies and private enterprise.
  • To make submissions for financial and/or other assistance.
  • To arrange seminars, conferences and/or meetings of U3As in South Australia on relevant matters.

You can find more about U3A in Fact Sheets under the Resources menu.

  • What is U3A?
  • How to Start a U3A
  • How U3A Began)

If you have questions or need additional information, see Contact Us

Meet our team

President: GLENDA SHERWIN-LANE and U3A Campbelltown Delegate and President

After an absence of seventeen years, I retired and left Melbourne to return to Adelaide in 2014. I moved into a completely different area of the city, needing to re-establish myself and finding time on my hands. By luck I soon found U3A Campbelltown and a use for my training skills in computing and IT. I love watching my students develop their knowledge and independence in this field and value the friendships that have formed.

Apart from teaching computing and fulfilling the role of President of U3A Campbelltown South Australia, I enjoy the duties of Webmaster, taking this opportunity to further develop these skills.

Outside U3A, I am busy with Rotary; have finally discovered some ‘green fingers’ and most importantly, can spend time with my eldest daughter and her family – including my twin grandsons. My other two daughters and four grandsons live in Queensland and Victoria. My greatest weakness is reading – I lose all sense of time. I swim three days per week in an outdoor pool, or walk for thirty minutes, including through The Gums, Tranmere, which restores my soul.

Vice President: Derek Bowman

Derek migrated to Adelaide from Edinburgh, Scotland with his parents in 1963. He completed Year 12 at Pulteney Grammar School, a BA at Flinders University and Dip Ed at University of Adelaide. A retired secondary English & History teacher and TAFE – sector Literacy trainer & assessor, Derek and his wife, Angela relocated from Mildura, Victoria in December, 2018 to Goolwa.
Along with their “Buds”, Crosby and Fletch they enjoy the Southern Fleurieu Peninsula lifestyle.
Both Angela and Derek have joined U3A South Coast. They enjoy the balance sought between course content and members’ mental & physical well – being. Derek’s interests include boating, local history, model railways, politics and reading. He has a “Meritorious Service Award” from a mainstream political party which he resigned from, “a little disappointed”, after 40x years’ membership.
Currently, Derek is a member of ARHS (SA), COTA SA and NTSA. An advocate of both Lifelong Learning and Online Learning, Derek was a member of Victoria’s Loddon – Mallee ACFE Regional Council.
As a U3A South Australia member, he’s keen to grow the membership base, partner with likeminded organisations when appropriate and promote networking between member organisations.

Treasurer: Patricia (Paddy) McKay and U3A Campbelltown Treasurer

Born in Ireland Paddy arrived in Australia whilst a ‘babe in arms’. After a rocky start in life, Paddy took to university with gusto: B.Sc. in Geology and Geophysics, B. Sc. Hons. (Mathematics), B Comm. and LL, post graduate degrees in Education and Community and School relations and then became a CPA. Foregoing her first preferences of law and mathematics for the more family-friendly hours of education, Paddy worked in that field for 31 years holding various administrative and lecturing/teaching positions.
Recreational pursuits have included travel, hockey, obtaining a restricted pilots licence, an amateur radio licence, ballroom dancing, and bushwalking; retains enough childhood music
lessons to still play keyboard (bit rusty) and the Irish tin whistle (badly); while a love of partying and family is in evidence at the McKay home every St Patrick Day.
In 2005 Paddy changed course, moving into industry as an accountant and finally finishing as a forensic accountant with the government and after ‘retiring’ maintained a small private accounting firm and kept in touch with law by becoming a JP and Special Justice presiding in the Magistrate’s Criminal Court.
Since retirement Paddy has been involved in several community groups, including U3A Campbelltown, as treasurer. A keen supporter of Lions since witnessing their work after Victorian bushfires, in her year as a Lions district governor, Paddy started a Lions Against Violence group.

Secretary: CLAIRE EGLINTON and U3A Lower North Delegate/President

Moving from Adelaide to the Clare Valley in 1973, my work was in newspaper and commercial printing. Leisure interests have included environment, carriage driving and films. Joining U3A Lower North in 2005 saw the start of my job collection. It began with taking on the local newsletter and website, then teaching computing and French, working up to becoming Lower North president in 2009. After attending some of the early informal meetings between U3As, I became a delegate to the State network shortly after it was formed in 2006, vice president in 2008 and secretary in 2009.

All these jobs have given me tremendous satisfaction and broadened my skill set considerably. They also keep me in front of a computer screen most days which has done nothing for my figure but does prevent me from being just a mad cat lady. Fortunately every day on a rural property has its small joys as I am yet to find time to have a holiday . . . which suits my feline companion Edmund just fine.

When the national network commenced in 2010 I was appointed State delegate and took on editing the national bulletin in 2016